Digital Transformation

waser iPM advises, consults and actively supports you in your business and technology transformation and change initiatives throughout your organisation.

You are looking for a highly experienced Digital Transformation Advisor that brings out the best in your business, technology, marketing and strategy teams and competencies? Get in touch with us!

You are wondering where to start with your digitization initiatives? You are unsure about potential risks and returns? You don’t know yet how to align your organisation such that everyone gets engaged, empowered and aligned to the same goals? Talk to us, we are here to actively support!

CyberSecurity Services

CyberSecurity is not just an IT-issue but should be understood as part of the enterprise-wide Risk Management. The legal implications of cyber risk must be understood by management. Your company must have access to CyberSecurity expertise and sufficient CyberSecurity resources at all times.

waser iPM is a partner of CyberSecurity specialist UnderDefense. UnderDefense is a globally top-ranked firm by Clutch and Gartner and provides cyber resiliency consulting and technology-enabled services globally to anticipate, manage and defend against cyber threats.

Product Management

As your trusted partner and advisor waser iPM will guide you safely through your digital transformation challenges and help you empower your teams to continuously deliver tangible results, great products and services your customers love

You will find our Product Management expertise in the following disciplines:

  • Identifying, architecting and positioning Omni Channel Digital Experience Platforms
  • Orchestrating the setup and managing a seamless integration of custom near-shore and off-shore software development skills and resources
  • Directing successful Omni Channel Customer Experience Initiatives
  • Advising on and coaching the introduction of agile Product Management (SAFe) 
  • Initiating and executing on your Business Development ambitions  
  • Business Architecture and Process Optimisation and Change